1st Month Working in the Graveyard Shift

diane jacinto
2 min readOct 22, 2021

A month ago, I got transferred to the graveyard shift at work. It was as if my entire world turned upside down and up to this day, I’m still adjusting to the lifestyle and challenges that come with being awake in the wee hours of the night/day.

The biggest challenge was keeping myself awake at night. I used to sleep early and so at 9 or 10pm I’d already be sleepy. To combat this, I found food and drinks to be helpful.

The second one, which I did not expect, was the transition from being in the night shift during workdays to going back to normal life hours during the weekends (then going back to night shift after the weekend). I find this necessary if I want to keep my social and personal life intact, though it means losing sleep along the way and being sleepy most times of the day.

One night, I was on time off and was able to sleep at night during a work day. When I woke up the next morning, I felt so good and I wished I could go back to sleeping at night again.

This week was a bit better. Although I’m still hoping this wouldn’t last for a long time, I’m doing my best to see the good in my current situation.

  • I noticed I’m able to accomplish and do more in this set-up. I’m a morning person and I feel most productive during the day, and so being awake and free during the afternoon allows me to do more for my personal goals and endeavors.
  • I have the time and energy to work on my side hustles. I started a small business a few months ago and I feel more motivated and inspired working on it with the sun still up (better for product shoots, among other things).
  • I got the motivation to trade again. The US market opens during the night where I live (other side of the world). Before I would already be tired and sleepy when I could trade, but now, I see that being awake during this time as an opportunity to pursue this to earn a bit more.
  • It’s actually easier to focus on work during the night, when the world is asleep and quiet. It used to be extra stressful when the heat is adding to the list of things you’re worrying about.

I still have a long way to go, and this is still just the beginning, but I have high hopes with what I can achieve with this big change.

I’d transfer back to working during the day in a heartbeat if I could, but for now I’ll do my best to make the most of this opportunity and turn things around for the better.

